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InventHelp Reviews: Helping You Choose the Right Provider as a New Inventor


One of the key things that have helped the world to evolve over the centuries is the wide range of incredible inventions that have come from the minds of geniuses. Our lives and the world as a whole would be a very different place if it was not for the brilliance and determination of inventors over the years. Everything we rely on today – from lighting and heating to smart technology – was once just an idea in someone’s head, but it would be very difficult to imagine a world without these things.

One of the things to keep in mind is that new inventors often find the whole idea of moving forward with their invention scary and daunting, and this is natural because it is alien territory. However, giving up is not the answer because this could mean that the inventor and other people end up missing out. Instead, a lot of new inventors turn to specialists for assistance and support to help them with their first invention experience, and many of those who have turned to the professionals at InventHelp have introduced some great inventions to the world.   #InventHelp    #InventHelp Patent   #InventHelp Patent Services   #InventHelp Inventions   #InventHelp Patent Attorney   #InventHelp Patent Invention   #InventHelp Patent An Idea    #InventHelp Patent Protection    #InventHelp Innovation    #InventHelp Inventors   #InventHelp Prototype    #InventHelp Idea

As a new inventor, you should never rush into choosing an invention services provider to work with, as this is a huge step. This is why looking at InventHelp reviews is so important, as you need to be able to make the right decision. In fact, in addition to looking at InventHelp reviews, you need to ensure you check out other things such as common questions and answers, testimonials, and the history of the provider to make an informed decision.

In this InvenHelp review, you can learn more about the provider and the pros and cons, and you can also learn more from a series of common questions and answers about InventHelp.

InventHelp Reviews: Make an Informed Decision

If you want to make an informed decision when it comes to choosing a new invention services provider, it is vital that you read reviews first. This is why the InventHelp review below can prove so invaluable, as it will enable you to learn more about the provider and the pros and cons of turning to InventHelp.

So, first of all – what does InventHelp actually do? Well, this is a company that has been around for more than three decades and has helped many new inventors with their journeys. In fact, you can view some InventHelp reviews and testimonials for yourself from inventors that have worked with the company in the past.

In a nutshell, InventHelp provides a packaged service for new inventors, and this includes the provision of support and assistance with a range of processes. For instance, the provider has access to a database of thousands of companies that are actively looking to review new invention ideas from fresh talent. In addition, they help with important processes such as referring you to legal experts for patenting, assisting you with prototype creation, and providing you with guidance and support throughout the process.

Naturally, when you are looking at InventHelp reviews, you need to take note of both the pros and cons. Some of these are:


·         You get support and guidance from experienced experts and a provider with a solid reputation

·         Access to a database of companies with an interest in new inventors

·         Help with finding an experienced patent lawyer

·         Assistance with prototype creation

·         Professionals to turn to whenever you need help

·         Guidance from the start to the end of your journey

·         Makes your first experience more enjoyable and enriching



·         There are fees, which will vary case-by-case

·         No guarantee of success

·         Unable to offer opinions on ideas and inventions

One of the things to note in this InventHelp review is that working with these professionals can make a big positive difference to your first experience as an inventor. Because the team at InventHelp has such extensive experience when it comes to supporting new inventors, you will receive well-rounded assistance that can help you with all aspects of your journey.

This means that you get to look forward to a more enjoyable and exciting first experience rather than one that is fraught with worry and stress. Whenever you need help and support, there will always be someone with the right knowledge and expertise to assist you, which is why a lot of new inventors seem to turn to InventHelp.

InventHelp Reviews from Other Inventors

As part of reading InventHelp reviews, you should also look at what other inventors who have actually worked with the company have to say. It is worth noting that there are many positive reviews from new inventors, and this includes:

Some Reviews from Past Inventors

As you can see from the above, there are many ways in which the team at InventHelp has assisted new inventors and helped them to continue their exciting first experiences as new inventors. Many of the inventors that the provider has helped have left reviews about their experiences, and this is a testament to the quality of the service that InventHelp has provided. Some of the reviews that have been left by new inventors that the team has worked with are:

“Me and my family want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you thank you thank you. You have no idea how much this means to us. I am a 64 yr old disabled veteran w/ 5 back surgeries and 3 knee surgeries. All I ever wanted was a chance to leave my family something of importance.” – Russell, NY

“I am using InventHelp for the first time. The team at InventHelp has provided exceptional service for my invention. Everyone is engaged and responsive. I have chosen the full service to get from idea, to patents, to prototyping and marketing. I am very pleased with the entire process and strongly recommend InventHelp to anyone who has a good idea… NC.” – Norbert, Austin

“I did some research then investigated InventHelp and decided to go with them since they have been doing this for over 35 years. The meeting with the rep went extremely well. I had tons of questions, and she was very patient answering them all. I was impressed by her knowledge and the questions she wasn’t sure about she found out the answers and got back to me right away. She’s been doing a great job keeping us informed throughout the process so far.” – Jason, Phoenix

“I don’t give out compliments unless they’re true and people deserve them. Invent Help definitely deserves the highest praise as far as I’m concerned. Knowledgeable, helpful, courteous, are just a few traits I can list off top of my head when I think of Invent Help.” – Anthony, San Francisco

Looking at these reviews from others is important because it gives you a better idea of what other inventors in your position think about the provider and the service received. This then makes it easier for you to make a more informed decision.

InventHelp Reviews: Frequently Asked Questions About InventHelp

As part of this InventHelp review and guide, we have included some frequently asked questions about the provider and the service along with answers. This provides you with a great way to learn more about what you can expect from InventHelp if you decide to use their services.

By looking through some of the most frequently asked questions and answers, you can learn a lot more about the company, its history and reputation, and how it helps new inventors. It can help to better develop your understanding of the company and what it does, which means that you can make a more informed decision with regard to where you seek help as a new inventor. So, below are some common questions and answers:

How Big Is InventHelp?

If you are not familiar with InventHelp, one of the things you might be interested in finding out is how big the company is. This is a common question that many people are keen to know, as they often want to go with a company that is established and has a number of experts working together to help new inventors to achieve their goals. Well, the good news is that InventHelp is an established company and has many offices around the United States and Canada.

In fact, there are offices in 65 cities across the USA and Canada, with the headquarters of the company being located in Pennsylvania. There are more than 100 people working at the head office alone along with many others working at sites around the country. InventHelp has been around for close to four decades, so it has a long history and solid reputation within the industry. Knowing that the company is both large and established can provide new inventors with valuable peace of mind when it comes to using the services of professionals.

How Long Has InventHelp Been Around?

Many new inventors are keen to find a company that has been around for a decent amount of time, as this helps to ensure they find professionals with plenty of experience and a solid track record when it comes to invention services. This is why a lot of people ask how long InventHelp has been in operation and how much experience they have when it comes to providing services to inventors.

So, the history of InventHelp dates back nearly four decades, as it was formed in 1984. Since the company was created, InventHelp professionals have worked hard to provide support, guidance, and practical assistance to many new inventors in a variety of fields. The company has gone on to become one of the leaders in inventor services, and in addition to having a presence around the country and in Canada, has built up a solid reputation for honesty, commitment, and transparency.

Is InventHelp a Reputable Company?

As mentioned in the previous point, this is a company that has been around for a long time. The reason it is still going strong today is that it has a solid reputation and inventors have confidence in using the services provided by InventHelp. Many new inventors are naturally worried about choosing the wrong provider for support and assistance, and they want to ensure that the one they choose has a good reputation and can be trusted.

Well, with InventHelp, you can benefit from a company that has built up a great reputation over the decades and is trusted by huge numbers of inventors who have turned to these experts for help and support. The company’s commitment to honesty and transparency means you do not have to worry about being led up the garden path, and you can look forward to an experience where you have peace of mind and security. The length of time that InventHelp has been around is a reflection of its solid reputation within the industry.

How Does it All Work with InventHelp?

Of course, most new inventors have no idea how the process works, and they are keen to find out what InventHelp can do and how the service works. Well, the service is all about packaging an invention idea and getting it noticed by the right people. InventHelp has more than 9,000 companies on its database, and these are all companies that can review your invention idea and have signed confidentiality agreements to provide you with protection with regard to your intellectual property.

When you go through InventHelp, your invention idea is submitted to the thousands of companies that are on the database. These are companies that have expressed an interest in new inventions and the chance to work with talented new inventors, so you have the benefit of your ideas being submitted to companies that are already interested.

Of course, this is just a part of the entire process, and the InventHelp professionals do much more during your journey to help and support you. This includes providing guidance and assistance when you need it, helping you to get patent protection in place, assisting with prototype creation, and much more. For new inventors, this means a far more enjoyable and less stressful first journey in the world of inventions.

Will I Be Successful Using InventHelp's Services?

It is only natural for every new inventor to want success from their invention idea or creation. However, some are keen to know whether working with InventHelp means that they are guaranteed success. While the team at InventHelp would love to guarantee success to all their inventors, this is an honest and transparent company, and there is no way that they can guarantee any idea or invention will be successful.

In fact, it is important to keep in mind that no invention service provider – or anyone else, for that matter – can ever guarantee success to an inventor. With this in mind, if you find that you are given a speech about how success is guaranteed by any provider, it is something that should arouse suspicion and make you think twice about using them.

How Much Will It Cost Me To Use InventHelp?

One of the other common questions that new inventors have when they are considering using InventHelp is whether it will cost them money, and if so, how much this will be. Well, it is important to keep in mind that there is a lot involved in the invention support process, and this is not something that can be offered free of charge for the provider to continue operating. So, there is a small fee charged, and this can vary from one case to another. In order to ensure total transparency, InventHelp will provide inventors with the amount of the fee before any contracts are signed, as this means that you can then make an informed decision with regard to whether you want to continue.

The key things to remember are that you will not be hit with any unexpected bills, and you will be aware of everything relating to fees before you enter into any agreement or contract. It is also important to know that InventHelp has a sister company that may also take a small percentage on licensed inventions that make money, although this is only in a small number of cases.

Will I Make Money If I Use InventHelp's Services?

Every inventor dreams of being successful and becoming rich off the back of their invention, and most new inventors want to know whether they will make money from their invention if they go through InventHelp. Well, as we mentioned earlier, the professionals cannot guarantee your invention will be a success, and in the same way, they cannot guarantee that you will make money from your invention.

Although no guarantees can be made with regard to making money from your invention, it is important to remember that InventHelp provides you with the support and guidance that you need to pursue your invention dreams. This gives you a far better chance of seeing your journey through to the end, which then helps to increase your chances of success.

What Protection Do I Have When Using InventHelp's Services?

When you have a great idea that you feel could result in a fabulous new invention, the last thing you want is for others to find out and claim your idea as their own. This is why most inventors also want to know what sort of protection is in place to stop this from happening when they work with InventHelp.

Well, one thing to remember is that confidentiality agreements are put into place when you enter into an agreement with the company. In addition to this, all of the companies on the InventHelp database also sign confidentiality agreements, which means that when reviewing your idea or invention, they must honor confidentiality.

This is not the only protection you will have – InventHelp can also help you to arrange patent protection with a specialist expert. This can help to protect you against someone else pinching your idea and claiming it as their own. It also helps to protect your intellectual property rights in the event that someone else comes up with the same idea as you after you have obtained patent protection on yours.

Will InventHelp Promote My Invention at Trade Shows?

The professional at InventHelp do attend trade shows, and many inventors are interested in finding out whether their invention idea or creation will be showcased at these shows by InventHelp professionals.

The reason why the experts attend these trade shows is more to network and market themselves to bring more interested companies on board for their database. This then gives new inventors a better chance of finding companies that are interested in their idea and willing to review it. So, by and large, the professionals from InventHelp do not normally showcase the ideas and inventions of their clients at these trade shows, but they do submit them to companies on their database that have already expressed an interest in working with new inventors.

Can I Expect Support and Guidance From InventHelp?

Many new inventors have no idea how the invention process works and what they need to do. They are, therefore, naturally keen to know whether they will get the support and guidance that they need when they work with InventHelp.

Well, the good news is that you will get a very high level of support and guidance from these professionals, as this is what they are here for. In fact, these experts are available to support and guide you through every step of the invention journey, which means that you are not left feeling alone and unsure because you have experts on hand to help you whenever you need assistance.

Will InventHelp Give Me An Opinion About My Idea?

Some people come up with what they think is a great idea, but they want some validation and want to hear the opinions of others. One common question asked is whether the professionals at InventHelp will offer their opinion on inventor ideas with regard to whether they think it is a good or bad idea. However, this is not something that these professionals will do – it is not allowed and would not be deemed ethical.

Of course, inventors are free to ask the advice of their friends and family with regard to their idea but will not be able to get an opinion from the team at InventHelp. Their job is to package and submit your idea, and to provide support and assistance, not to offer their own thoughts and opinions about your idea.

Does InventHelp Offer Patent Protection Services?

One of the key things that you have to do as an inventor is to get patent protection in place, and for this, you need the services of a specialist patent attorney. So, InventHelp professionals do not actually sort out the patent protection for you directly when it comes to your invention, as they are not legal experts in this field.

What they will do, however, is refer you to a specialist legal team or professional to get your patent protection sorted out. This means that you can get the process completed by the book and with an expert on board to assist you. You can then benefit from the legal protection you need for your invention, as well as far greater peace of mind.

What Will InventHelp Do to Assist Me?

When researching InventHelp and its services, new inventors are always keen to know what the provider can do to assist them through the process. Well, it is important to remember that the InventHelp experts are there to help from the first step to the last, and this means that they can help you in many different ways over the course of your invention journey.

First off, this company will assist you by providing expert advice and assistance every step of the way, and this is an important part of keeping you on track and minimizing the risk of you giving up. When you always have professionals to turn to, it makes your journey far more enriching and enjoyable rather than daunting and stressful.

There are lots of vital processes that InventHelp will assist with as well, including many of those mentioned earlier. For instance, assisting you in finding a patent lawyer to deal with the patent protection on your invention is one vital way in which they help. Also, they help with things such as helping with a prototype, submitting your invention idea to interested parties, and providing access to resources and tools.

One of the key ways the company can help is through submissions of your idea to the companies that are on the database. Remember, these are companies that have already expressed an interest in working with new talent and reviewing new invention ideas. This means that you already have an edge over new inventors that do not have this sort of support. This can also save you a huge amount of time and stress, as you will not have to spend hours compiling lists of companies and making submissions yourself.

The wide range of assistance that these experts offer means that you can look forward to a far more fulfilling journey where you always have support available. While there are no guarantees of success and financial gain, you can certainly rely on the team at InventHelp to guide you through your invention journey.

Why Should I Turn to InventHelp?

One final common question among new inventors relates to why they should turn to InventHelp. Well, there are many reasons why new inventors turn to this company, and many have enjoyed a great experience when working with these professionals.

The excellent level of support means that you always have someone to turn to with queries, questions, and for advice, so you do not feel stranded and unsure. This can work wonders for your confidence both in yourself and in general. This also means that you can move forward with your invention journey rather than getting stuck, not knowing what to do, and then giving up.

Another reason why you should consider turning to these experts is that they help with so many vital tasks involved in the invention process. This includes things such as helping you to get legal protection into place, sorting out a prototype, having thousands of companies to which your idea can be submitted, and providing you with access to many valuable resources and tools.

As a new inventor, your first journey should be a learning curve but also an enjoyable and exciting experience. However, when you go it alone, it is anything but exciting and enjoyable – in fact, it can be very stressful and frustrating. With the right support, you can turn this around and make it into a great learning experience. This is another reason why many new inventors turn to this company, as it can make all the difference to your experience.

Of course, people have their own reasons why they turn to InventHelp for assistance with their first invention, and there are many reasons that need to be considered. For most people, it is down to the fact that these are people who have a high level of expertise and experience and have been in the field for nearly four decades. This wealth of experience gives them more confidence and reassurance, and it means that they can tap into the expertise and resources that InventHelp can offer.

Learn from InventHelp Reviews

Any new inventor who is considering going to experts such as InventHelp for assistance and support can learn a lot from reading InventHelp reviews and FAQs. This is something that most new inventors do when looking at getting support and reading through them can help you to come to a more informed decision about your next step.

Of course, it is important for any new inventor to carry out extensive research into the company they are considering using, and this includes InventHelp. There is plenty of information online including on the provider’s own website, and inventors can also contact the team to find out more about their services and what they can offer as well as read a variety of InventHelp reviews.

By carrying out research and looking through the reviews and questions that new inventors tend to ask, it becomes far easier to determine whether InventHelp can accommodate your needs as a new inventor.


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