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InventHelp Service Review: Why You Need This Invention Company


Believe it or not, inventors rarely struggle to find success because of their inventions alone.




Some of the most creative, inventive, and unique inventors throughout history saw their dreams die not because of their actual invention and what it delivered – but because of their ability (or, more accurately, inability) to patent, protect, and market their invention.


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That’s a big part of what makes InventHelp such an exceptional service.




In this in-depth InventHelp review, we run through (almost) everything you need to know about this service, how it guides you through the patent process, and how InventHelp helps you get your invention in front of companies and investors that can help bring your creation to life.




Let’s jump right in!




What is InventHelp, Anyway?



Unlike some of the fly-by-night services that have seemingly popped out of thin air over the last few years, services promising the moon and the stars when it comes to helping new investors, InventHelp has a long and illustrious track record you can bank on.




The company was established back in 1984 (nearly 40 years ago) and is still headquartered out in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. That relatively small operation in the middle 80s has grown into a juggernaut in the inventor assistants space, though, with more than 65+ individual offices throughout the United States (and Canada) – all committed to helping investors protect and market their creations.




It would be impossible for this company to have lasted as long as it has without delivering for their inventor customers and clients.




The track record for success InventHelp has established is second to none. They promise quite a bit, but they deliver on their promises – and many say even overdeliver – making them one of the top choices for investors looking to get their project up off the ground without losing control.




Everything InventHelp does revolves around protecting your creation and invention – a massive piece of the success puzzle – and then finding partners you can team up with to turn your dream into a reality.




InventHelp Core Offers



There are a couple of “core offers” that InventHelp promises their clients, core offers that separate this service from all other copycats that have come a long after InventHelp really established this market in the first place.




The first service InventHelp offers new investors – and maybe the most critical service – is step-by-step (almost handholding) help for inventors looking to navigate the patenting process.




Patenting and protecting your invention is a big piece of the success puzzle. Without complete and legitimate protection for your invention, your creation could be “up for grabs” in a legally gray area that sees your creation become a substantial financial hit – without you reaping any of the benefits as the originator.




By leaning on the resources and assistance InventHelp provides on the patenting side of things, you no longer have to worry about that. Lean on the company's patent recommendation and referral services, and you’ll be in a much better position moving forward.




Another of the big core offers that InventHelp makes to all of its clients is open access to a huge database of potential partners and investors that can breathe life into your invention.




All of these connections are private, secure, and done fully under NDA – again securing ownership of your invention for you without handicapping your ability to seek out deals and partnerships that can generate explosive growth.




On top of all of that, you can count on InventHelp to assist you with:




Detailed and In-Depth Market Research – InventHelp can help you figure out whether or not there’s enough demand for your invention to move forward with your project. It’s important to know that your invention isn’t just going to be functional but also that is going to have actual market viability.




Rapid Prototyping Services – InventHelp provides tremendous access and referrals to companies and organizations that can help you with rapid prototyping. You’ll be partnered up with factories and manufacturers that have the necessary skills and expertise to get your prototypes up and running, but that can also help you fine-tune and dial in your creations.




Business and Marketing Planning – Inventing a breakthrough new creation is just one small part of success in today’s hyper-competitive and crowded business environment. If you don’t have a plan for building your business around your inventions (and aggressively and effectively marketing them), you will have a tough time creating the financial future of your dreams.




Full-Scale Manufacturing – InventHelp isn’t just going to help you find manufacturing experts that can rapid prototype with you. They’ll also be able to connect you to full-scale manufacturing partners that can get your invention into production at scale, all without costing you a small fortune along the way.




… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!




How InventHelp Works



Getting started with InventHelp is a pretty straightforward process.




Everything (and everyone) begins at the same place – you reach out for a free consultation with an InventHelp Agent, providing your contact and shipping information so that you can also get a “welcome aboard” info packet.




From there, you’ll be encouraged to sign a two-way confidentiality agreement that protects all your communications about your invention with the folks at InventHelp. This agreement protects you, and they’ll also be beholden to it.




After that, most clients will go through a “Virtual Invention Presentation”.




This is where you’ll put forward design sketches, schematics, renders, pitch deck information, and anything else you’d like to provide to InventHelp about the breakthrough that you have created.




Think of this as your opportunity to sell your invention (and yourself) on becoming partners with InventHelp and leveraging the services and resources they bring to the table.




If you have a physical prototype, you may be encouraged to send it into a local InventHelp office (or the headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) to demonstrate better exactly what you have built.




Once all of this is taken care of, you’ll move through the referral and recommendation phase of the partnership, where InventHelp uses its resources, connections, and network to better position you for success.




After that, you’re rocking and rolling with the ability to lean on all of the other solutions and services InventHelp offers!






There are a lot of big benefits to leveraging everything InventHelp has to offer, but the biggest benefits have to be:




The depth and breadth of the specialty invention/patent services only InventHelp can provide


The level of persistence that InventHelp has when it comes to finding you the right partners and the right investors


The almost 40 years of experience that InventHelp has assisting inventors just like yourself




… And so much more!







Though there are many benefits to using InventHelp as a new inventor, we aren’t suggesting that they are infallible or perfect by any stretch.




This platform (like every other) has some drawbacks you need to be aware of.




For one thing, InventHelp isn’t going to provide a lot of the “basics” you’ll need to square away as an investor.




They aren’t able to advise you about the quality of your invention. They aren’t able to connect you to a patent attorney straightaway. These are premium supplemental services, and you will still have to handle a bit of heavy lifting on your own, particularly right out of the gate.




Secondly, InventHelp isn’t the least expensive inventor service on the market.




It’s not the most expensive but is a premium platform through and through. That premium platform is supported by top-of-the-line and premium services, but some investors might not have the budget to leverage all of the options that InventHelp offers (at least not right away).




Lastly, just because you partner with InventHelp doesn’t mean you eliminate the risk you inherently take when inventing something that hasn’t ever existed before.




There’s no guarantee that you’ll find the right partner or the right manufacturer to help breathe life into your project. There’s no guarantee that the market is going to flood you with orders, either.




Some inventors get jilted and jaded when they use a service like InventHelp and don’t get the results they’re looking for right from day one. That’s an unrealistic expectation, though.




Is InventHelp Legit?



The last thing we want to touch on is the legitimacy of the InventHelp service.




One of the biggest questions inventors have when connecting with a service like InventHelp is the legitimacy of their new partner. Nobody wants to get burned and nobody wants to work with fly-by-night operators that can’t deliver.




We’ve mentioned a couple of times that InventHelp has a 40+ year track record of success helping inventors like you. You just don’t last that long in a business environment as competitive as the one we live in today unless you are legit and over-delivering on everything you promise your clients.




Is InventHelp for real?




You bet they are!




Final Verdict



When you get down to it, only you will be able to determine if InventHelp is the right fit for your creation at this specific time.




Every individual inventor has their strengths and weaknesses. You’ll need to do your research and due diligence to figure out exactly how InventHelp can help you best – and whether or not that premium help (and shortcut services) are worth the premium price tag.




All we can say for sure is that there are an almost unlimited amount of reasons that inventors over the last four decades have been relying on InventHelp to protect their creations, manufacture their creations, and market their creations.




Chances are pretty good that InventHelp will be right for you, too!




Is InventHelp legitimate?



InventHelp is a legitimate company that helps inventors bring their inventions to market. They have been in business for over 35 years and have helped thousands of inventors realize their dreams. InventHelp offers various services to help inventors, including patent referrals, market research, and prototype development. If you are an inventor with an idea for a new product, they can help you turn your idea into a reality




How much money do inventors get?



The typical amount of money an inventor receives is $500. However, some inventors have received as much as $1 million. InventHelp does not guarantee that you will make any money from your invention, but they offer various resources to help you succeed.


How can you benefit from InventHelp?



InventHelp can help you benefit in many ways. They can help you get your invention patented, protecting your idea from being taken. They can also help you develop a prototype of your invention, which can be used to show potential investors. In addition, InventHelp can help you market your invention to potential buyers.




Who do I call if I have an idea for an invention?



If you have an idea for an invention, you can call InventHelp at 1-800-Invention. They will help you determine if your invention is patentable and offer resources to help you bring your invention to market.




What is the history of InventHelp?



Founded in 1984 in Pittsburgh by Martin Berger, the company is a leading inventor service company. Many of the InventHelp employees, in the Pittsburgh Cultural District headquarters, have worked for the company for some time.


InventHelp takes their community commitments seriously and asks employees to join outreach efforts including the collection of non-perishable food items to help stock the Salvation Army's food pantry, teaming with the U.S. Marine Corps by donating to Toys for Tots and hosting blood drives in conjunction with the Central Blood Bank and many others


InventHelp was established with the intention of helping inventors with invention ideas. With headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA, InventHelp employs researchers, animators, writers, website facilitators, customer service representatives, and more. The invention company has sales offices in the United States and Canada. Don’t live near one of our 60+ sales offices? A team of sales representatives is available to take your call.


With their prototype modeling services, invention websites, patent referral services, and more, it has never been easier to submit your idea to companies. Of course, they do not promise you will obtain profits from our efforts. Although there is no guarantee for success with your idea, their goal is to give inventors the tools and opportunities to do something with their idea.


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